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Welcome to Our Elementary School

                  VISION STATEMENT

To develop global citizens with a holistic and excellent foundation.


We are all out to fulfill our four cardinal missions:

  • Laying solid and firm foundation for godly living.

  • Giving motivation for higher learning.

  • Giving inspiration for selfless service to mankind.

  • Provoking the quest for knowledge, achievement and excellence for the benefit of the kingdom of God, the family and the entire race.


Our COVID-19 Response

Quarantine activities

We have put together some resources for every Bethany pupil to access. These resources are in form of educational fun videos and worksheets. So while in quarantine, our pupils can revise all they learnt last trimester and in previous classes, as well as continue learning in the fun way they learn at school.

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© Copyright 2020 Bethany schools

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Tel: 07069609474



Ladejobi Quarters Ayepe road,Sagamu Ogun State

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